School Closings

When bad weather hits watching TV, listening to the radio, or calling friends is the last thing you want to do. Is school closed today? Are buses on time? Where do I look for more information?

This is why we have the FREE Marquand App (download at your Apple or Google Play Store) 

When school is closed, games are canceled, plans are interrupted or classes are cut short, the Marquand App is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Marquand Zion schools will post all closings and cancellations or schedule changes on the app first, followed by phone calls to all parents, text messages, and website/Facebook updates. No need to "tune in" to any special stations, watch TV, or even log on to the web. Just download the app and wait. 

If you are a parent, grandparent, or legal guardian and would also like to be notified by call and text message, just text your name and the student you are related to, to 98900.  If you have questions call the school at 573-783-3388

Local radio and KFVS TV, Channel 12 in Cape Girardeau will also be notified of any closings. 

Download the app for FREE today at your Apple or Google Play store. Just search Marquand Zion. 

Please do not call the school during weather-related closings and cancellations. 

 Have a SAFE and Happy Winter!